sounds and smells…

a blog from saturday 3/27

i’m sitting in the kitchen with the back door open on this gorgeous, sunny, 60 degree, spring day! drinking my fair trade coffee that was just roasted this week.

i just walked by geoffrey’s ‘improved meyer lemon tree’ and caught a whiff of the its wonderful sweet, tangy aroma! he has been dying for one and yesterday while we were browsing the garden department at home depot he spotted one on sale. i should add that we were at home depot for hollow wall anchors seamus pointed to the garden center and said, ‘can we go there?’ LUV HIM!

as i type i hear the doves cooing, birds chattering,  and an occasional chicken making that soft noise they make…the house is quiet! shhhhh…don’t ruin the moment. geoffrey told the kids last night, after a long night being stuck in a stuffy room while we practiced for our gig tonight, that he would take them to the park this morning! so, of course when they awoke before 7:30 they wanted know if they could go wake up daddy! 🙂 after they had breakfast they got him up. i made them eggs and lay ate of the eggs they have gathered. she wanted it ‘runny’. 🙂

and a food rule to end with…


and one more…


pollan says, ‘the bigger the portion, the more we will eat-upward of 30% more. food marketers know this, sothey supersize our protions as away to get us to buy more. but we don’t have to supersize portions at home, and shouldn’t. one researcher found that simply switching from a 12-in to a 10-in dinner plate caused people to reduce their consumption by 22%.’

try it, i eat from small plates lots of time when eating with the kids. eating smaller portions can be hard to get used to…but stick to it if you have problems with big portions!

enjoy your saturday! oh, and today is earth hour day. turn off unnecessary lights and appliances for one hour starting at 8:30pm your local time. its a gobal movement to help in efforts for conserving energy. sit with your family by candle light. last year we all sat on the couch and seamus decided the couch was a boat and all around us was water…we had to be sure not to fall in! have fun in the dark and talk with your family about ways you can all conserve water and energy and cut down on your bills! summer is a comin’…

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